This is a blog about my life, my crafts, and being a mommy...my 3 favorite things....
The little buckle up guy will be on the back of the float as we drive on by... :)
Also I have been doing a little fall decorating...
This last one is my tables little centerpiece...I am actually very proud of it...the little yellow tray came from a yard sale for .25...and the cinnamon twine balls were 3 for $1 and the scarecrows $1 each and the leaves $1.25 ...pumpkin $7....not too shabby if I do say so myself..... also wanted to let you know in the upcoming weeks I am going to be painting my china hutch black and distressing it.....If anyone knows and is willing to share...HOW DO YOU MAKE THOSE FAKE PANTRY PIES? I WANT TO MAKE SOME AND MY CREATIVE JUICES CAN'T QUITE FIGURE IT OUT!!!
Love thy neighbor.....
So whew...now that thats all done :)
Also in case I haven't told you I am Taryns Daisy Scout Leader...go me.....trying to keep 8, 5&6 years olds busy for 45 mins learning to earn patches is more work than I thought!!!!
Also I got my stocking swap partner, Mary from Gettysburg Homestead...which I wish I lived in her house... I love it all.... :) So I started on that...... As for crafting I haven't really gotten too busy with that...but I need to...like right now...tonight....I have many aprons to be making and cinnamon rolls and grubbied candles.... and on an on.... :)
If anyone knows and is willing to share..can someone please tell me how to make the star ornie bowl fillers...I mean is this a hand stitch project? I can't machine stitch them and get them turned out? I have a pattern...but no instructions and I guess I am just not getting it....lol.....I need help!!! Well Thanks for playing catch up tomorrow I will post pics of the Artsy swap i did and my pay it forward gift I got..... Also I am working on painting a distressing my hutch.....yikes..I am so nervous..... So until next time... PS I will be doing a Holiday Give-a-way.... sometime next month..things are just so insane around here..... XOXO
Love thy neighbor.....also thought for the day...Share with thy neighbor...if you haven't or even if you have take something to your neighbor and share...Its amazing how wonderful that all feels on both parties part to give and to receive something...especially if its homemade....post the comments on here of your random neighborly kindness.... Love Scoti